Christ our King


Is Christ the King of your life?


This Sunday we will be ending the liturgical year with the celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.


This celebration was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925, proclaiming the "peace of Christ in the reign of Christ". Basically, this means that if we allow Christ to reign in our lives as King, his peace will be with us.


Christ as the King of the universe is biblically rooted. In the Old Testament, prophecies on the messiah, as recorded in the books of Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel, represent the messiah as a king. Most probably the reason why it was hard for the Jews to accept Christ as the messiah - because of their concept of a king, grand with battalions of soldiers ready to trample their enemies.


In the New Testament, there are many mentions or allusions to Christ as King, like on his triumphant entry to Jerusalem, which we recall every Palm Sunday where people shouted: God bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord. And then there is the passage in Matthew where Jesus said that "when the Son of Man comes in his glory... he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him." (25:31-32).


But who is Christ as our King?


Our readings this Sunday shares with us how Christ is enthroned as King of heaven and earth.


In our Gospel reading, Jesus clarified to Herod that His kingdom "is not of this world." And truly, Christ's kingdom and authority is not rooted on human concepts of kingship, rather it is one that is ruled by love; and His being a King is not to lord over others, rather it is in serving those in need as He demonstrated to His disciples when he washed their feet on the evening before the feast of the Passover.


As we celebrate the kingship of Christ, let us reflect on how we have humbly submitted ourselves and our lives to the rule of Christ. Do we also allow Christ to be the King in our family and community?


The Carmelite fund-raising concert, for the purpose of creating a healthcare fund for Carmelite friars and scheduled on December 4, has been moved to December 18. For more information, visit the Facebook page of Philippine Carmelites or our website at


May God, through Christ, continue to rule our lives.

Image: Valario Davis | Unsplash


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