God is with us


God is with us until the end of time.


This Sunday is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time and our readings invites us to contemplate on the final events of our life - death, judgment, heaven, and hell.


With this we are made to reflect on the "threefold coming of Jesus": his incarnation, his second coming (either on our physical death or on his second coming per se), and on his continual presence in our life.


Our first reading (Daniel 12:1-3) comforts the persecuted Jewish people. It tells us that despite the distress that they were suffering, those who are faithful will live forever and "the wise shall shine brightly... and those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever."


In our second reading (Hebrews 10:11-14, 18), we are told how Jesus made the final sacrifice and with his offering, "he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated." For this, we are assured that Jesus is our mediator with the Father for he sits "forever at the right hand of God."


In our Gospel reading (Mark 13:24-32), Jesus used the fig tree as a metaphor on the signs of the second coming of Christ. Just as the branch and leaves of the fig tree denotes the coming of summer, the events in our life and in the world would also give us a hint that Christ is near, "at the gates."


But as much as we await his second coming, we are also invited to allow Christ to come into our lives everyday, by living our lives faithful to the teachings of Christ - that is with love of God and love of neighbor.


We are invited to experience a daily conversion that would make manifest Christ's presence in our life, allowing us to bring Christ to every people that we encounter.


Blessed Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite martyred by the German Nazis, said: "This ought to be the aim of our devotion to Mary, that we be another mother of God, that God should be conceived in us also, and brought forth by us."


This year, the Carmelites in the Philippines is blessed with eight new priests, with one still to be ordained this December in Papua New Guinea.


Please continue to pray for the mission of the Carmelites in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, and of all priests and consecrated persons, that we be faithful in bringing Christ to our mission places.


God will be with us. God is with us.

This piece was first published by Pangasinan Express Starnews | Photo: Jametlene Reskp/Unsplash


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